Pregnancy, Children, Trauma and Chiropractic

pediatric-chiropractic Chiropractic care is important in maintaining a healthy spine, a healthy posture and a healthy nervous system. Chiropractic should be started as early as when you are still in your mothers womb. Believe it or not this is the first time we experience a significant trauma! Don’t wait for your child to have to be able to tell you something is wrong with them to bring them in for care…. start them off right! Have a chiropractor check you during your pregnancy and check your child after birth. Click on pediatric-chiropractic link above to access a newsletter written by a renowned pediatric chiropractor out of Australia. #pregnancy #pediatric #chiropractor #getaligned #posture

Ironman Week in Hawaii

Ironman Week in Hawai I am just back in the office this week after spending some time in Kona, Hawaii for the Ironman World Championship! I was visiting because my dad Phil Madonia, age 55, #442 on race day was competing. The week leading up to the race you could feel the energy the event brought to the area. There were racers still doing some last minute training…. you couldn’t drive down the Queen Ka’ahumanu Hwy without seeing athletes out on their bikes, every beach had an ironman or 2 doing “lengths” back and forth and runners in and out of every beach resort. It was amazing! It got me out running a time or too myself! The race consists of a 4 km swim followed by a 180 km bike ride followed then by a 42 km marathon. The training takes years, especially for the Kona race which requires qualifying by WINNING your age group at a pre-determined qualifying ironman race first. The pure determination is amazing to witness. How chiropractic can help! All of this training all of this work requires a mobile and functioning body. Leading up to the race I would regular adjust my dad – these adjustments would remove any decreased motion of the spine, help him correct his posture, and help him manage the inevitable low back pain from those long bike rides. As the race approached he started having some pain in his big toe joint – we would acupuncture the area to promote blood flow and healing. We talked often of staying hydrated, getting him on the right vitamins and minerals to ensure he was in optimal condition to race. Any and every athlete can benefit from chiropractic care!! On race day – it was HOT – I mean it was hard to watch the race never mind perform in it. I am proud to say my dad had a great race he finished it in 10 hours and 58 minutes. He did get a 5 minute delay for “drafting” while on the bicycle and had to slow down and was not able to hit his usual pace during the run as he had difficulty working out his nutrition in the hot Hawaiian sun – but he finished – and he finished in 21st place – THAT IS 21st in the WORLD in his age group. My family couldn’t be more proud and we were so lucky to be able to be there and cheering him on. #ironman #chiropracticworks #acupuncture #race #determination #love

Chiropractic talk for Business Women of Toronto

Chiropractic talk What a great time I had last Thursday night at the Business Women of Toronto Networking Event! Thank you for inviting me to speak a little about CHIROPRACTIC and how to handle stress as a mom and a business women. Stress can come in so many forms – emotional, chemical and physical. Sometimes we do not even realize our bodies are in this stress response. Key tips from the night: 1. Eat well: find a nutritionist a health coach a chiropractor to help teach you what is inflammatory and how you can eat to minimize this. This may include adding some key vitamins and supplements to your body. 2. Watch your posture: we now have phones and sit at computers for many hours a day be AWARE of how you are holding your spine. 3. Exercise: do some cardiovascular training and strength training every week to release endorphins and keep your organs and spine healthy. 4. TAKE A MINUTE: meditate, listen to music, read a book – whatever makes you happy! Take some time for yourself every single day to do what you like to do! Any questions…. Do not hesitate to call Dr. Erin Madonia at 647.281.8073 or email at Look forward to seeing you soon!

No carb bread!!

No Carb Bread Did you know…. ? in most people gluten (and therefore bread) links to gut inflammation, brain fog, weight gain, and autoimmune disease. This amazing #bulletproof bread is low carb, all #fat and #protein to keep you #fatburner and #energyproducing #yesplease Check out the recipe here!

The Aging Spine…. Add more LIFE to your years!

AGING SPINE As we age the spine undergoes dramatic changes… spinal discs and joints degenerate, ligaments, muscles and other spinal tissues get weaker, dehydrate and become stiffer, our spines are less able to withstand normal stresses. This cascade of events can eventually lead to … spinal pain, limited range of motion, increased risk of injury, increased length of time to recover and a decreased quality of living. What can Chiropractic do? the use of gentle adjustive and mobilization techniques can help decrease pain and muscle stiffness and increase range of motion increase balance and coordination minimize spinal stress and subsequent degeneration enhance tissue healing offer healthy lifestyle advice in nutrition, fitness increase sense of well-being and overall energy and Acupuncture? In conjuncture with your chiropractic care, acupuncture can help stimulate the nervous system and increase the healing response of your tissues.  It works to help balance your body’s energy to promote optimal functioning! More and more seniors are enjoying the remarkable benefits of chiropractic care as part of their healthy lifestyle!!  You should too!

How to Overcome Psychological Problems

Psychological Problems ‪#‎anxious‬ ‪#‎stressed‬ a little ‪#‎depressed‬ Things happen, but we can help control how we feel through it. I LOVE this video. Little pointers to get you out of that negative cycle of feeling and into that positive cycle of feeling and healing. ‪#‎socialize‬ ‪#‎exercise‬ ‪#‎eatwell‬ ‪#‎hobbies‬ ‪#‎ridethewavewecalllife‬ and YOU WILL ‪#‎FEELWELL

Stretches for Runners

Stretches for Runners Fall marathon season is just around the corner!  Many runners love to get out and run but often forget to take the time afterward to stretch it all out. Stretching is most recommended for after a workout.  Stretching before a workout can lead to decreased strength ability of a muscle – which can lead to injury. Save a warm up for before the exercise to get all muscles ready and save the stretching for after the activity.

What is Chiropractic?

What is Chiropractic? The brain is the master control system for the entire body. It sends and receives all of the signals within the body to dictate every single function of the body!  From waving your hand at a friend to say hi, to sending a text message, to washing our faces before bed…. and these are just the actions we consciously think about doing…. how about all the beautiful things are body is doing without thinking about it….  digesting our food, breathing, sending blood to all of our organs, making babies!! When there is interference to this neurological mastermind -> proper function of all of these processes is interfered with. WHAT CAUSES INTERFERENCE?  There are all sorts of different stresses that cause this interference…. best described by breaking it down into 3 categories PHYSICAL STRESS : trauma, poor posture, sports injury, texting too much CHEMICAL STRESS: poor diet, tobacco, increased alcohol consumption, lack of vitamins EMOTIONAL STRESS: marriage trouble, work stress, death of a friend or family member   You ask… WHAT CAN I DO?  Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to normalize these nerve processes to their proper resting tone. This is like hitting the reset button on the computer when it is malfunctioning. The computer is allowed to pause and reprocess itself. Chiropractic adjustments stop the stress response and restore normal hormonal and cardiovascular function to the body.    

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