What is Chiropractic?
The brain is the master control system for the entire body. It sends and receives all of the signals within the body to dictate every single function of the body! From waving your hand at a friend to say hi, to sending a text message, to washing our faces before bed…. and these are just the actions we consciously think about doing…. how about all the beautiful things are body is doing without thinking about it…. digesting our food, breathing, sending blood to all of our organs, making babies!!
When there is interference to this neurological mastermind -> proper function of all of these processes is interfered with.
There are all sorts of different stresses that cause this interference…. best described by breaking it down into 3 categories
PHYSICAL STRESS : trauma, poor posture, sports injury, texting too much
CHEMICAL STRESS: poor diet, tobacco, increased alcohol consumption, lack of vitamins
EMOTIONAL STRESS: marriage trouble, work stress, death of a friend or family member
You ask… WHAT CAN I DO?
Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to normalize these nerve processes to their proper resting tone. This is like hitting the reset button on the computer when it is malfunctioning. The computer is allowed to pause and reprocess itself. Chiropractic adjustments stop the stress response and restore normal hormonal and cardiovascular function to the body.